Preparing for Motherhood as a Christian Homemaker: Future Mom Advice from the Pros

Preparing for Motherhood as a Christian Homemaker- Future Mom Advice from the Experts- Katie T's Home

Preparing for motherhood doesn’t have to start when you finally get the exciting confirmation of pregnancy. While yes, a mother is never fully prepared until submerged in her new role, there is something to be said about utilizing the one thing no one has authority over. Time. So this begs the question, how can a Christian homemaker prepare for motherhood BEFORE she is trying for a child? Well, good news for you because here at Katie T’s Home, I will share some future mom advice from the experts on preparing for this new and exciting role!

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Katie T’s Cottage Home Fun Fact #43

For my 43rd fun fact, I want to share that I have a new love for canning!

There is something so validating about opening up a jar of sauce or whatever canned good, knowing it’s made with quality ingredients while being something I contributed to our household. 

Children are a Gift from God

As a Christian homemaker preparing for motherhood, it’s probably no surprise that children are one of the greatest gifts from God.

There is a reason the bible says that children are a reward, a blessing from God.

We, as Christians, are even told to be childlike. Matthew 18: 1-5 warns us that the greatness of heaven is not measured by rank or power but by childlikeness. God wants us to trust Him as our Father. Earthly success means nothing in God’s kingdom. 

Preparing for Motherhood as a Christian Homemaker Future Mom Advice from the Experts- Homemaking with KTH

And how great is it that God can abundantly bless us with His greatest gift, and in doing so, a parent is submerged into the dynamic of what it’s like to see things through the lens of God? What it’s like to be a parent with a special love for their children. Similar to the unconditional love God has for us.

Preparing Before Pregnancy

While the cliche of never being fully prepared for parenthood holds true, that doesn’t mean you can’t try your best. 

Similar to getting married. You shouldn’t have those important marriage discussions after you’re engaged. Likely, you would have had those discussions before the proposal, all to determine if your partner is equally yoked. 

And I’m sure many of you may be preparing without realizing it

For me, preparing for motherhood looks like personal growth. Trying to become the best version of myself. Asking myself what qualities I can work on today while life is “consistent” to help better the mother I’ll become down the road.

For example, I cannot expect to be the type of mother who reads bedtime stories to my children if I can’t even get in the routine of reading myself. While it’s not impossible to develop that habit when the time comes, it’s certainly unlikely.

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In addition, what conversations can I have with my husband about how we will raise our children? What decisions do we need to make today to help give us the best physical, emotional, and spiritual health for when that day eventually comes?

It’s easier if you are around others who have children. You get to witness those who are close to you as parents and ask yourself what qualities you admire and want to obtain in your motherhood role.

Just be mindful that not every quality you see in other parents is a good fit for your situation. This is especially true when bombarded with content from social media, which leads me to the next section. 

Taking Social Media for What It Is

Social media can be a powerful yet destructive tool. That’s why Victoria, creator of Thyme and Tenderness, has advice on navigating social media when preparing for motherhood.

Victoria is a 30-year-old mom of 1. She’s been married for 8 years and resides in southern Maryland. She is passionate about homemaking and has been sharing content and inspiring others since 2018. 

Victoria Says:

“They say that becoming a mother is the most “natural” experience to go through, and although that may be true for some, it isn’t for others. When I became a mother, there were many things that felt effortless, but there were also many things that I had no idea about. 

Christian Homemaking and Motherhood - Navigating through Social Media - Homemaking with Katie T's Home

I also found that there’s so much “noise” out there when it comes to being a mother. So many have opinions about what makes or doesn’t make a good mother. Not to mention all the information, videos, and stories we have to weed through when it comes to infant and child care.

When someone is trying to learn what to do as their new role as a parent, they might become paralyzed with confusion over all the abundance of information. 

You don’t need strangers on the internet to tell you what to do. Limit who you’re getting information from. Choose only a handful of older, wiser, trusted individuals to be your counselors. Ideally, your own mother can help be your guide or even your grandmother. But sometimes that isn’t always possible. In that case, a trusted female friend with experience with motherhood would be your best ally. 

Christian Homemaking and Motherhood - Advice from a Trusted Source- Homemaking with Katie T's Home

Social media is a wonderful tool to learn new things. It’s where many go for parenting advice. But, social media can be a two edged sword. On one hand, it can be very helpful, but on the other hand, it can be harmful. For every good piece of advice, there are 3 bad pieces of advice out there.

The best way to sort it all is to ask yourself the following questions: 

-Is this in harmony with the basics of what I know?

-Does this sound too good to be true?

-Is this overly sensational?

-What do the comments or feedback on the post have to say?

Asking yourself those questions while reading or learning on social media can help you sort out what is good advice from the bad. The more information you gather, the easier it is to make an informed decision when learning what to do in your motherhood responsibilities.” 

With almost any information, we need to take a step back and analyze if it applies to our lives. 

Not only are there lots of voices, but everyone’s circumstances are different. What might work for the vast majority may not work for you for one reason or another.

Don’t be afraid to do what’s best for your situation.

The Relationship With Your Husband

Preparing for motherhood is more than analyzing who you want to become as a mother. Another key component is the relationship with your husband and how the addition of a child may impact those dynamics. 

Christian Homemaking and Motherhood - Children are Life Changing- Homemaking with Katie T's Home

That’s why Grace is going to walk us through what we need to know about our marriage with the addition of a little one.

Grace is a dedicated Christian homemaker, wife & mother who believes in the transformative power of nurturing a home. She enjoys exploring and learning all there is to know about gardening/homesteading, creating culinary delights, and loves sharing traditional living content online via @thatjoyfilledhome

Grace Says:

“Children are life changing in the best way possible. When a baby is born it transforms a woman from maiden to mother, and quickly our lives are consumed with this new little bundle of joy, especially in the early years when all their needs come from mom. However, it is easy for this to strain a marriage.

I know that seems counterintuitive, and I’m not saying neglect your children. I am saying that your marriage will last far past when your children grow up and leave the nest.

Your marriage is also the worldview you are giving your children of what marriage looks like. You can choose to give them a picture of covering offenses in love, being quick to forgive, loving each other when the other is being unlovable, or you can give them an image of bitterness, resentment, keeping score, and being contentious.

Christian Homemaking and Motherhood - Prioritize your Marriage- Homemaking with Katie T's Home

The health of your marriage impacts future generations, and it needs to be tended to. Be intentional to make time for each other, go on dates, listen intently to what the other is saying, don’t neglect the marriage bed, and set healthy boundaries.  Remember you are a team.

I feel like this concept is not discussed nearly enough. 

It might seem contradictory to God’s teaching, but the church recognizes this to be true. I remember during my marriage prep pre-cana classes, they told my husband and I, that we, as a couple, should prioritize each other above our children. 

In that way, preparing for motherhood means working on your relationship with your husband. Use this time to build a strong foundation so that, when the time comes, you and your spouse will be solid. 

Preparing for Motherhood as a Christian Homemaker: Future Mom Advice from the Experts

There you have it! Why preparing for motherhood should not just be limited to the duration of pregnancy and some helpful tips and advice from experienced mothers! Comment below if you have anything to add regarding your motherhood prep journey! Until next time!



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