Invite God into your Morning Routine with these 3 Tips

Invite God into your Moring Routine with these 3 Tips- Advent or Lent

Morning routines don’t have to feel like a whirlwind of rushed alarms, groggy eyes, and a frantic scramble to get out the door. Imagine your mornings with peace, purpose, and connection to God. Starting each day with renewed faith and a stronger bond with Him is one of the many things I try to encourage my readers here on this blog, Katie T’s Home. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to invite God into your morning routine with these 3 tips! And don’t forget to read the BONUS tip at the end of this post!!

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Katie T’s Farmhouse Home Fun Fact #13

Fun fact time! This is a new section I’m including on my blog posts so my readers can get to know me on a personal level!

So, for my 13th fun fact, I want to share I met my husband at church. Our families grew up knowing each other, and through that, a connection was made. 

I guess my intuition was spot on because a half hour before the introduction, I looked at Vinny (whom I’d never talked to before) from across the church, playing his guitar in the Life Teen band, and thought to myself, “If I ever have kids with that man, they’ll be doomed with red faces”. To give context, my face gets red so easily, and at the time of this thought, his was super red! I guess time will tell with our future kids!!

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Set Aside Dedicated Time

To truly invite God into your morning routine, it’s crucial to set aside dedicated time to spend with Him. Amidst the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, it’s easy for our prayer life to take a backseat.

In full honesty, my morning routine before this Advent was not as deeply routed in my spiritual life as I wanted. I found myself falling into the temptations of scrolling through social media, checking emails, or anything far from prioritizing God first thing in the morning. 

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But, I decided to prioritize Him by changing my morning routine this Advent season. I was inspired by my family giving up tech (not entirely, but social media, video games, etc.) and offering it up to God this Advent season (similar to giving something up for lent). 

Now, as a blogger with a social media presence via Pinterest and Instagram, giving up tech in this way is not exactly ideal in my life. However, I found myself unintentionally prioritizing it over my relationship with God, and I wanted that to change.

So, instead of giving it up, I decided that I could not move forward with my day or even look at my phone in the morning until I said my prayers. And so far, it’s worth it, and I hope I can continue to prioritize God this way after Advent is over. 

Daily Readings for the Morning Routine

So, when setting aside dedicated time, ask yourself, what is it in your life that is holding you back from prioritizing God? This will help you determine what aspects of your life need God the most. 

This deliberate act of choosing God over the earthly temptations of this world demonstrates your sincere desire to invite Him into every aspect of your life.

Start with Prayer and Scripture

Starting your dedicated time with prayer and scripture sets the stage for a meaningful and purposeful connection with God. Prayer opens up a direct line of communication, allowing you to express gratitude, seek guidance, and share your deepest desires and concerns. It is a conversation between you and God, a moment of vulnerability and faith that strengthens your relationship with Him.

Depending on life circumstances, there are prayers or routines that I gravitate towards more than others. But overall, there are 3 main prayers/routines that I can say I feel closest to God.

The first thing I do to set the tone of my morning prayers is read the daily devotional from Jesus’s Calling. This is a great way to ease into the prayers I discuss later on and feel a sense of purpose and peace. 

The second is praying to God using the prayer process created by Matthew Kelly. This prayer process has helped guide my prayers and give them the structure they need. All while still being able to come to God with what’s in my heart. 

Matthew Kelly has many books and has inspired me to deepen my relationship with God. He wrote a book called Resisting Happiness. This is a must-read for those looking to pursue God in their day-to-day lives. This book has a special place in my heart, as it was the book that changed my life when I was at my lowest. 

The third prayer is the Rosary. I pray the rosary twice a week, and on the days that I do, I feel at peace. Some of you may be sighing because the rosary does take some time to pray. 

I guess my challenge for you would be to start small and don’t feel like you have to be perfect. But rather recognize that you are reading this blog because you want to deepen your faith in God. The calling for you is there. Give the rosary a try. Pray it early in the morning one day out of the week for a month. 

After the month is over, you can decide if praying the rosary is helping you strengthen your relationship with God. If it is, I challenge you to keep going on that journey, and if it isn’t, then perhaps find other ways to prioritize God in your morning routine. 

Bonus Tip on Inviting God into Your Morning

A bonus prayer, or rather routine, is going to a local church’s adoration. Now okay, this might not be a morning routine for most simply because you are bound by when your church offers adoration. 

For those who don’t know what adoration is, it’s a time when a Catholic church allows you to visit the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist sits in a monstrance on the altar for everyone to see.

This quiet time has allowed me to bring my prayers and intentions, knowing that God is fully present in that moment. Again, I can’t begin to explain how beautiful this experience is. You will just have to check it out yourself! 

Talk with God

Just as we communicate with our loved ones, talking with God allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and desires. It is a chance to share our joys, fears, and challenges with the One who knows us intimately. Through this intimate conversation, we can gain clarity, find peace, and receive guidance.

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In our fast-paced lives, we often forget the importance of truly listening. But in our conversations with God, it is crucial to be still and attentive. By quieting our minds and opening our hearts, we create space for God’s voice to be heard. This is where true transformation can occur.

So after (or perhaps even during) your daily prayers, I challenge you to talk with God like you would a loving father. Because that’s what He is.  

Fr. Michael Schmitz discusses this and how distractions during our prayers often reveal what our hearts are attached to. 

So if you are distracted during prayer or even have ongoing thoughts that keep resurfacing, bring them to God. Talk with him about why these situations hold space in your heart. 

Invite God into your Morning Routine with these 3 Tips

Incorporating faith into your morning routine can have a profound impact on your relationship with God and the overall trajectory of your day. Slowly but surely, setting aside dedicated time in the mornings will allow for a peaceful and purposeful experience.

As you invite God into your morning routine with these 3 tips don’t forget that it may not be an overnight process. God loves you and is waiting for you to answer his calling. And I’d say the fact that you are here and reading this tells me that you are on the right path to answering that call.

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