Must-Have Cleaning Supplies

Must-Have Cleaning Supplies

Okay, so full disclaimer, this list of must-have cleaning supplies is not a list with tons of stuff, and this is why. Call me a minimalist, but you don’t need a million different cleaning products to get the job done. 

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For example, I love looking at all the photos and videos of people using all those cute wooden cleaning brushes. But at the end of the day, I know myself. I like the concept, especially the inner eco-friendly part of me. However, I feel like I’m not the type of person that would actually use it. Which is counterproductive if I’m going based on the idea of being “eco-friendly”. 

So what is this list? Well, it’s a list of tried and true cleaning essentials. Whether it’s nontoxic cleaning products or actual cleaning supplies, this list of versatile cleaning essentials will get the job done.

And everyone is different, so hey, if you love your wooden cleaning brush and use it all the time, then I say all the power to you! I wish I could use those kinds of cleaning supplies because they are so cute. But like I said earlier, I know myself, and it’s just not me.

Laundry Detergent Must Have Cleaning Supplies

So, without further ado, let’s jump into the tried and true cleaning essentials that I recommend: 

Shark Vacuum

My husband and I LOVE our shark vacuum! Take it from me. My husband actually likes to vacuum (I know how, did I get so lucky? lol). He did so much research before buying it. I must say the reviews don’t even come close to explaining how great this vacuum is! 

I’m not even kidding when I say my husband wants to buy a second one to have on hand. If that doesn’t tell you how great it is, then I don’t know what does!

Large Bucket

This bucket is fabulous for so many miscellaneous cleaning projects! It’s great for soaking fabrics (like towels or a bath mat) in water, borax, and baking soda. It’s the perfect size to do these smaller tasks.

Microfiber Cloths

You never know when you are going to need these! They are especially great for dusting/polishing wooden furniture.


A broom is so handy for cleaning those small areas quickly. My husband and I use ours on the porch all the time! If people walk on our porch with dirty shoes, we can easily sweep the dirt off with our broom. 

Odor Eliminator

I try to stay away from harsh chemicals when I can, and this product is the perfect solution! It’s made with safe ingredients like essential oils and has a refreshing smell.  

Odor Remover Cleaning Supplies

Glass Bottles

These glass bottles are great for multiple reasons! First and foremost, I buy products in bulk, so having these on hand is great when I need a smaller container to put them in. I also make some of my cleaners, so having these bottles readily available helps in that aspect too!

Swiffer Sweeper

We also love having a Swiffer Sweeper as well! We have disposable and reusable pad refills and will use both depending on what we are cleaning.

Eraser Sponges

These are great to use on the walls when you want to spot-clean a section. 

However, I will say, take precautions if you clean your walls with these. The only walls I’ve used these sponges on are the matte white walls in my house. If you scrub too hard, it will take off the paint. 

It’s never been an issue for me because the walls are white, but I’m not sure how it would be on colored walls. So try a small spot first and take it from there. But in all seriousness, these sponges have been a lifesaver for the walls in my house! 

Stain Remover

This nontoxic stain remover is also really great as well! I love that it comes in a concentrate, so I can dilute it when necessary!

Seventh Generation Wipes

These nontoxic wipes are also great! I also have the spray as well. Again, I will always go for nontoxic products any day.

Rubber Gloves

You also need rubber gloves for those cleaning projects that are dirty beyond belief! 

Dish Cloths

These make up the bulk of the cleaning for my husband and I. We use them to clean dishes, counters, or anything that needs to be wiped down. Then we wash them with the rest of the laundry.

Pumice Stone

These are great if you have bad water stains in your toilet! You must be careful though. If you scrub too hard, you can scratch the porcelain. So proceed with caution. Then once you remove the water stains, a regular toilet bowl cleaner can take care of the rest.

Screen Cleaner

This toxic-free screen cleaner is the best screen cleaner I’ve ever seen. It is made in the USA with a plant-based formula that makes your screen non-streaky clean!

Laundry Detergent

This plant-based ECOS laundry detergent is great for laundry! It has a gentle smell, and it’s hypoallergenic. 

Wool Dryer Balls

These dryer balls help replace fabric softeners and dryer sheets. They pretty much live inside our dryer because we use them for every load of laundry.

Additional cleaning products like baking soda, Borax, Dawn, and grapeseed oil are great for cleaning a variety of things or making specific cleaners. For example, I use grapeseed oil in homemade liquid soap!

Farmhouse Cleaning Supplies for Your Home

So there you have it! A list of must-have cleaning supplies for your home. I hope you found this list helpful! Comment below if you have any tried and true cleaning essentials that I did not mention on this list. Feel free to reach out with any questions!!

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