Modern Farmhouse Home Décor Ideas for 2023

Copper Tea Pot and Spray Painted Books for Bookshelf Décor

Hello! Hope you are doing well today 🙂 It’s pretty rainy in the Massachusetts area, but I’m okay with that. This whole summer has flown by, and my hubs (yes, my husband’s nickname is a shortened version of hubby) took the day off from work. As a result, we went out to breakfast earlier this morning! But in any case, I have compiled a list of my top 6 modern farmhouse home décor ideas for 2023! Be sure to check out the last idea as well! It’s my most popular post!

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Home Entrance

First, let’s start with the home entrance. This is the first thing you see when you come home and the last thing you see when you leave. It’s also what guests see when they first come to your house and, depending on the layout of your home, what drivers and pedestrians see from the curb.

7 Home Entrance Décor Tips and Tricks for Modern Farmhouse

With all that said, you’ll want to have a welcoming home entrance. I have some tips and tricks on the steps to take to achieve a breathtaking home entrance! 

And take it from me! The house I’m renting has a red porch, which is not my style. So, the tips and tricks will help you overcome different obstacles!

Coffee Station

Okay, even if you are not a huge coffee drinker, you should still have a beverage station. I’ll assume if you don’t like coffee, your default specialty beverage is tea. So again, a beverage station still applies to you! I’m kind of a coffee snob, so by default, the need for coffee overrides the tea. 

Coffee Bar Décor for a Modern Farmhouse

But regardless, you should have an area in your home designated for this! Here are some great hacks for creating a coffee station on a budget. Decorating your home can get pricey, but it doesn’t always have to be! In the article, I discuss ways to be resourceful and still make your coffee bar look good!

Master Bedroom

The master bedroom is the first thing you wake up to and the last thing you see at night. I go into more detail here on how to transform your bedroom into a farmhouse master bedroom in 5 simple steps. 

Master Bedroom Décor in 5 Easy Steps

But I truly believe that if your bedroom doesn’t look how you want it to, it’ll nag at your subconscious mind until it does. The same rule applies to clutter in the home, but that’s a totally different topic!

Kitchen Shelves

So, technically my “kitchen” shelves are in my dining room, but the tips and tricks on decorating them still apply. 

Kitchen Shelf Decorating Tips and Tricks

For a long time, these shelves were empty because they were awkward to decorate. Between the narrow shelves and the odd location, I was at a loss for what to do with them. Then one day it dawned on me. I got to work and started decorating them, and I’m so happy with the outcome! 

From that point on, I can’t help but continue looking at the shelves because it makes me so happy!

Bathroom Décor Tray

Every bathroom needs a bathroom décor tray! I list some top items to include in your bathroom tray here. But, adding a tray will make your bathroom décor look nice and cohesive. 

The 7 Items you Should Consider Putting in your Bathroom Tray

Modern Living Room

Now, for the most popular décor idea yet! I go into more detail on the steps to create a modern farmhouse living room here

Unique Bookshelf Décor and Book Aesthetic

But, to summarize you’ll need proper seating, storage, decorated shelves, and some plants! Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, it kinda is, but as I said, I go into more detail in this post and give the full rundown of what that means and how to achieve it. 

Modern Farmhouse Home Décor Ideas for 2023

So there you have it! The top 6 modern farmhouse home décor ideas for 2023! Comment below on which décor idea you find most interesting, and reach out if you have any questions!!

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