10 Farmhouse Thrift Store Finds That You’ll Actually Use

10 Farmhouse Thrift Store Finds that You'll Actually Use in the Home

Are you ready to find out the top 10 farmhouse thrift store finds that you’ll actually use? Well, great! You’ve come to the right place! But, before I jump into this modern farmhouse thrift finds, I want to point out that you can find these items at yardsales and Facebook Marketplace, etc., so don’t limit yourself to just thrift stores! Personally, I don’t have a lot of great thrift stores in my area, so I like to rely on other locations beyond thrift stores to get discounted or free stuff, but I will gear this post towards a thrift store to make it easy. 

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In any case, not only will I explain why each of these farmhouse finds are actually beneficial, but I will also point out the ones that are more on a basis-to-basis circumstance. 

These 10 modern farmhouse finds can range in quality, price, and practicality. So, my goal is to inform you so you make a purchase that will actually get put to good use, and not just senselessly buy something because it was a reasonable price or looked appealing at the time. 


Even if you are not a huge reader, hear me out! Books make excellent decor. If you are an avid reader, this is an extra plus. But again, I say, books look so great on a bookshelf. 

Copper Tea Pot with Books for Bookshelf Aesthetic

Even if the cover doesn’t look visually appealing, there are ways around that. For example, this tutorial shows how I upgraded the covers of my books by spray painting them

Picture Frames

Similar to the books, picture frames are another farmhouse thrift store find! Again, you can always spray-paint the frame. I even matched the frames in the photo below to the color of the books! It’s such a simple DIY project that significantly upgrades my bookshelf decor! 

Unique Bookshelf Décor and Book Aesthetic


Signs are also another great thrift store find! You can easily use them as fillers in most decor settings. 


There are many ways to upgrade a jar or vase to give it a contemporary, farmhouse, modern, or boho look! For example, I upgraded this jar with plaster wrap, and I am so happy with how it came out!

DIY Vase Refurbished Idea for the Home

Now, you need to be mindful of the shape of the jar. Not all jars and vases are created equal, so depending on your style and the materials you have to upgrade, there may be limitations. So, make sure that the shape of the jar is something you can work with!


If you don’t need a new lamp, then you can skip this one. However, if you are on the hunt for a new lamp and don’t like the price of what a new one costs, then this is a must-have find for you!

How to Spray Paint Candlestick Lamps

Even if you’re not in love with the color, you can always spray paint it or use plaster wrap like I did on the jar example above. Again, it all depends on the structure of the lamp, so keep that in mind. If you find one where the structure is workable, then snag that find immediately!!


I always had the mentality that I would only have one type of dinnerware set and call it a day. As a result, I never bothered looking at additional dinnerware sets beyond the ones I already have.

However, my husband and I inherited an extra dinnerware set. Rather than keeping them in a cabinet, I got inspired and decorated with them! 

Farmhouse Kitchen Shelves

This made me realize I had the wrong mindset about mismatched plates. And I say that because now I have beautiful farmhouse-inspired decorations for my coffee station and decorative kitchen shelves. All because of the country farmhouse charm that the inherited dinnerware set offers. 

Coffee Bar Décor on a Budget DIY for a Modern Farmhouse Home

So, if you find a charming set of dishes, take advantage and use them as decorations! 


I love baskets! However, not all baskets are created equal. If you are going for the modern farmhouse appeal, you will need to be selective. But I find baskets are common items that people get rid of. So the good news is it will be abundantly available.

So, once you determine that the shape, color, and price are workable, then, my friend, you have found yourself a steal! Because there are so many different opportunities to decorate with a basket. Try to look at the basket like it’s a “filler”. For example, I bought this basket at a thrift store and am using it as decor for my fall tablescape.

Fall Décor Basket on Table

Perhaps you can use the basket as entryway decor or sit it on a small bench with flowers. Either way, get creative!

Selective Furniture

I get most of my used furniture from Facebook Marketplace, but wooden furniture is an absolute must in today’s day and age. Personally, I’ve gotten my headboard, office desk, coffee bar, filing cabinet, decorative ladder, and side table from either Facebook Marketplace or previously used. Now, I took the time to renovate each one, but it came at a fraction of the cost of buying a new piece of furniture. 

Farmhouse DIY Headboard Makeover Idea
Metal File Cabinet Makeover Ideas for the Office at Home
Farmhouse Ladder Décor Ideas that Will Transform Your Home
DIY Farmhouse Side Table After


Yes, scrap wood is another great find! This one might only be available on Facebook Marketplace, but I’ve used scrap wood on many DIY projects. If you want more information on how to use this as a resource, check out my guide on how to save money on DIY projects!

Vintage Items

So full disclaimer, I was never huge on vintage decor because my style is more farmhouse. However, I do find that select vintage items are crossovers and can be used in both farmhouse and vintage styles. Like for example, this copper bucket is vintage, but I love using it on my farmhouse bookcase. 

Copper Tea Pot and Spray Painted Books for Bookshelf Décor

10 Farmhouse Thrift Store Finds That You’ll Actually Use

So there you have it! A list of the top 10 farmhouse thrift store finds that you’ll actually use! Comment below if there are any thrift store finds you think should be added to the list! I’d love to hear them! Also, don’t forget to sign up for the monthly newsletter below! I am featuring some great behind-the-scenes content on the steps and processes I’m taking to build my dream home. Including, but not limited to, how I’m going about the process with a thrifty mindset!

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